What is Birth Map?

A Birth Map is a celestial map of a person, a country, a marriage, a company, etc., drawn according to the latitude and longitude of the place where he was born at the time he was born, on which the positions of the Sun, Moon and other planets are marked. Its other name is horoscope. Horoscope means "marker of time". Rudhyar (1972) claimed that every human being was born at a certain time and place in response to a need of the Universe.

The birth chart representing this need reveals the purpose of life. It is like a sketch showing one's unique path. The real question here is not what will happen, but what is the meaning of what has happened. It is not the events that are important; it is the reactions we give to those events. The advantage of the birth map is that it deals with the individual as a whole. Because often individuals deny some parts of themselves. They suppress or project various functions.

This problematic situation experienced by the individual, the features he/she ignores and in which areas of life he/she will encounter them can be seen in the birth map. The birth map provides information about one's inner conflicts; transits and progressions tell the favourable time to resolve these conflicts. Planetary movements speak of various periods of development, which have their own challenges and opportunities. External events serve as stimuli that favour inner psychological development. Understanding this symbolism is a key to our lives. It gives some clues to reaching our highest potential. Our map is a virtual blueprint of our soul. Thanks to it we can understand the best option for our evolution and plan our next step.

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