Birth Chart Analysis


Birth Chart Consultation includes a comprehensive analysis of your birth chart in light of the positions of planets, asteroids and fixed stars. Every human being was born at a specific time and place in response to a need of the universe. The birth chart that represents this need reveals the purpose of life. The advantage of this graphic, which shows a person's unique path, is that it considers the individual as a whole. In this analysis that offers a virtual plan of our soul; while many topics such as relationship, health, career, finance, etc. are examined, mirroring and awareness are created for your personal development. Various periods of progression are mentioned that have their own unique challenges and opportunities. External events are evaluated as stimuli that support internal psychological development. Understanding this symbolism is a key to your life. It gives some tips on reaching your potential. Thanks to it, we can understand the best option for our evolution and plan the next step we will take.

All birth chart consultancy documents will be sent to your e-mail in written form. The fee for this service is 200 $. (If you also have rectification, 100 will be added = 300 $).

Information Required for Consultancy

– Name-surname, date of birth (day/month/year), place of birth and time of birth (If you do not know your time of birth, we can calculate your time of birth with a technical study called rectification.)

– Phone number

– Brief information about yourself

For appointment:

Note: After receiving birth chart consultancy, you can benefit from prediction consultancy, in which we analyze the 1-year process in detail. 1 year forecast consultancy is a separate type of consultancy in which we use transits, solar return and progress techniques.