Tarot Reading


This is a tarot reading performed with a technique appropriate to the topic (or topics) you request to focus on. Since your birth chart is also used during the reading, the subject is discussed in detail. The topic you choose may be an ordinary topic from your daily life, or it may be a deeper psychological topic. What we focus on here depends entirely on your decision. Tarot, a classification of the universe, is an esoteric teaching that points to the hidden temple within you. It shows the working principles of the unconscious archetypes in the spiritual person. The cards will reveal a certain reality through ancient symbols.

All tarot consultancy documents will be sent to your e-mail in written form. The fee for this service is 100 $

Information Required for Consultancy

– Name/surname, date of birth (day/month/year), place of birth and time of birth

– Phone number

– Specific issues you would like to focus on

For appointment: henaakali@gmail.com